High-Tech Healing: Izzy Kirsh Unveils mode's Cannabis Revolution

High-Tech Healing: Izzy Kirsh Unveils mode's Cannabis Revolution

In this podcast episode, Bruce Eckfeldt interviews Izzy Kirsh, the founder and CEO of mode, a company focusing on innovative cannabis consumption devices. They discuss various aspects of the cannabis industry, including consumer trends, product innovation, and challenges in the market.

Izzy begins by sharing his background, mentioning his experience in product design and technology startups. He explains how his interest in cannabis was sparked by personal experiences with chronic pain and the need for more precise dosing options.

The conversation delves into Mode's journey, from ideation to product development. Izzy highlights the challenges they faced in securing funding due to the cannabis industry's unique regulatory landscape. Despite these hurdles, mode developed a sophisticated dosing platform integrated with a mobile app, aiming to provide users with personalized cannabis consumption experiences.

They discuss the design choices behind Mode's product, emphasizing its user-friendly interface and premium aesthetics. Izzy explains the importance of catering to both medical patients and recreational users while maintaining a health and wellness-focused brand image.

They also touch on the data collection aspect of mode's platform, which gathers anonymized user data to improve dosing recommendations and product efficacy. Izzy outlines their vision for expanding internationally and potentially diversifying into related industries such as nicotine cessation and psychedelics.

Finally, Izzy reflects on the challenges of marketing cannabis-related products in a restrictive online environment and expresses optimism about the industry's future as regulatory barriers evolve.

Overall, the conversation provides insights into mode's innovative approach to cannabis consumption and its potential to shape the future of the industry.
